December 6, 2010

October 18, 2010

Tree display

Following the wood in the windows we made the Tree display for jewellery and little accesories.

Like a nude tree after the Autumn, simple lines and rythym with many possible configurations.

You can find it at the potipoti shop.

September 29, 2010

The wood

You are in a lush wood where the trees are made of wool.

The leaves are windmills that spin around with the brise.

There is a gentle movement that seems to draw the air

going through every wool thread.

But you can not take your eyes away from these shinny fruits

that are hanging of the trees

and spread coroured sparkles with the light.

collection AW 2010/11 by potipoti

September 28, 2010


visualhunger with potipoti in the Festival Urban Fashion and Lifestyle 2010

" ... Der potipoti Shop hat für diese Saison nicht nur neue Designer und Labels dazu gewonnen, sondern mit der Unterstützung von visualhunger auch ein neues Erscheinungsbild erhalten. Passend zu den neuen Frühjahr/Sommer Kollektionen finden sich in den Schaufenstern bunte Gartenstühle, welche eine atmosphärische Sommerterrasse assoziieren und den potipoti Shop zu einer Oase für die kommende Saison machen. Zudem wurde die temporäre Wandtafel zum „Human Body River“, eine Anlehnung an die potipoti F/S Kollektion 2010, welcher sich durch den gesamten Shop schlängelt und alle Elemente miteinander verbindet. ... "
read more

July 15, 2010

new sales show-window in potipoti shop!

sales have arrived! playing with summer elements such as daisy plants inside shopping bags or a net made of flyeswatter. a breeze of fresh air to enjoy the rest of the summer and these hot days. don't miss it!!

hope you like it!

June 17, 2010

Premium Window Dresser Award

visualhunger has taken part in the Premium Window Dresser Award contest with their last show-window.

Wish us luck!

April 16, 2010

Lieblingsschaufenster auf OK COOL!

"Das OK COOL-Team hat ein neues Lieblingsschaufester und dieses befindet sich in der Rosenthaler Strasse 66. potipoti steht drüber und potipoti ist drin. Wie eine zuckersüße Sommerterrasse zieht uns das Kunstwerk, welches das Architektur Studio visualhunger konzipiert hat, in den Bann und lässt uns ganz verträumt die aktuelle Kollektion "The Human Body River" bestaunen. Reingehen lohnt sich natürlich auch, denn neben der eigenen Mode gibt es auch noch schönes Textil von La Casita de Wendy, Carocora sowie Schuhe von Dolfie oder Accessoires von Colourette. Es lohnt sich!"

schaufenster by visualhunger

"The OK COOL-Team has a new favourite show-window and this is in Rosenthaler Strasse, nr. 66 potipoti, stands over it and is in it. Like a sweet summer terrace, which design has been created by the architecture studio visualhunger, the artwork continues to captivate us and makes us all dreaming of the new collection "The Human Body River". Inside in addition to their own fashion, there are also beautiful textiles from La Casita de Wendy, Carocora and shoes or accesories from Colourette Dolfi. It's worth it!"

show-window by visual

March 27, 2010

potipoti und

spring/summer collection 2010 by potipoti in

March 26, 2010

spring time in potipoti Shop!

warm weather, fresh air, breeze, terrace, no timetable, all is allowed, smiling without a reason.

When someone looks into the air, in Summer, temporary blind because of the sun, just small figures moving, in changing colours, transparents.
The Spring has finally shown up!

Transport the feeling of Summer, the ray of light and all its shades. Returning with an image the sensation of summer ereased of our minds by the white Winter.
Projecting ourselves in a terrace, in the sun, seeing people go and back, short pants, shirts without slaves, sunglasses... feeling the lightness in body and mind.

spring/summer 2010 collection by potipoti Shop

March 22, 2010

making of: potipoti show-window

potipoti Shop Berlin design by visualhunger

March 1, 2010

new show-window at potipoti Shop coming soon!

we are working on the show-window of the next potipoti collection Spring/Summer 2010

visualhunger moves to Berlin!

Contact us! ·

Barcelona don't worry we will come to visit often!

January 11, 2010

Making of xmas show-window at potipoti Shop

potipoti Shop Berlin design by visualhunger

Geometric shapes and the game have been our leit motiv for this Christmas show-window for the new potipoti winter collection 2009/2010.

Trying to communicate the identity and character of potipoti we have put some card boxes of two sizes into a pile and others hanging randomly to bring the opportunity of show pieces of the collection and complements in different positions and different highs. The show-window is opened to the exterior and the interior due to the irregularity of the order of the boxes is thought for a double purpose: from the street as a show-window, and in the shop as another stand display.
The graphic touch shows, with humor-sense, many personalities that could be yourself, myself, or anybody that dare to wear some potipoti clothes.

We have enjoyed the experience a lot and we hope to repeat!

Many thanks to Nando, Silvia and Dani!
